Life after Titanium

Right now, I’m 67 and about 15 years ago, my left hip began hurting. 5 years ago, I started limping and became a member of the Y here in the Wabash Valley. 2 years ago, I had to start using a cane. 6 months after that, I was on a walker! When I finally saw a surgeon he refused to do the hip replacement until I had lost 30 pounds. Thank heavens for his candor! That was 2 years ago… today. I’m down 59 pounds and had the hip replaced last October. What a difference! A new, pain free, hip, combined with weight loss, better eating habits and the wonderful YMCA community has brought me to a better quality of life than I’ve enjoyed in years! I have friends who think that because they are in their 60’s, their life is over. Why diet and exercise? What’s the point? It’s called Quality of Life! It’s doesn’t matter how old you are, it’s how well you feel? It’s the quality of your years, not the quantity. And the lovely thing is, you can start feeling better any time you want. Beauty!